

Gold Refining

By Sienna Nalin

You're possibly thinking about taking your gold to a refinery to get it melted down and make it close to pure. The more money you spend, the more pure it will be. Here is some insight to what exactly happens in a gold refinery so that you know the process and know what to expect when you take your gold to one.

As you may think, gold refineries do offer many services for those with gold. Gold refineries are used to actually melt down gold to where it is exceptionally pure. With impurities removed this lets the owner of the gold have a much easier time selling their gold since it is pure and they can estimate the price close enough to the gold spot price based upon the weight of the gold. You could also do this to have the gold mixed with another metal. Many refineries deal greatly with industrial companies, but they do provide their services to other.

Gold refineries start your experience off first by assessing your metal. They have to expect it and see how much of it a certain precious metal is. The item is weighed and labeled. Sometimes acid test are done to see the content of the gold and its make-up. Some refineries will even take a portion of your gold and send it to a lab to determine the composition. After that, this is when the heat comes in. The assayer will then put your gold into a heated furnace with other elements that will help in the process of separating your gold from nonmetals. Later the impurities are drawn out.

...Learn more at How Gold Refining Companies Earn BIG Profits

With knowing all this information you now know the process of how gold is melted down. With knowing this process and what will go on you are able to make sure that nothing goes wrong while your gold is being melted down.

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