Auto insurance rates are always on the rise in today's economy. Many people are unaware of the basic facts about auto insurance, allowing insurance agents to charge them for coverage they don't even need. Knowing what coverage is right for you and how much you should pay will save you money when purchasing Atlanta auto insurance.
All states require minimum amount of auto insurance, especially liability insurance. Legal minimum for Atlanta Auto Insurance is $25,000 for bodily liability coverage per person up to $50,000. It also requires property damage liability minimum of $25,000. These are the minimum coverage that is required, but it is a good idea to purchase higher coverage. The higher the coverage amount, your premiums will be higher, make sure you do some quote request before settling on the final amount.
Uninsured Motorist coverage is an option that will cover accidents caused by an uninsured driver. This coverage comes in increments of $25,000 up to a maximum of $500,000. The amount you choose will directly affect your rates. This valuable coverage isn't required by law, but is highly recommended.
Deductibles are your out of pocket expenses that you are liable for before the insurance take affect and pay the rest of the expenses. The minimum is $50 and can go high as $1,250. Depending on your financial situation you can get the minimum which will be higher premium or the maximum amount which will have lower premium, but you are responsible for money out of pocket.
Another option is getting a roadside assistance. This is not needed in most cases, but if you need towing or have flat tire it can come in handy. This too is not required by the law, but since the increase in premiums is minimal it is recommended.
Lowering the price on your Atlanta auto insurance is also an option. Ask your agent about discounts available to you. These can include adding security features to your vehicle, taking driving classes, and avoiding accidents. Choose the features and discounts that are right for you to get a policy customized to your unique situation.
All states require minimum amount of auto insurance, especially liability insurance. Legal minimum for Atlanta Auto Insurance is $25,000 for bodily liability coverage per person up to $50,000. It also requires property damage liability minimum of $25,000. These are the minimum coverage that is required, but it is a good idea to purchase higher coverage. The higher the coverage amount, your premiums will be higher, make sure you do some quote request before settling on the final amount.
Uninsured Motorist coverage is an option that will cover accidents caused by an uninsured driver. This coverage comes in increments of $25,000 up to a maximum of $500,000. The amount you choose will directly affect your rates. This valuable coverage isn't required by law, but is highly recommended.
Deductibles are your out of pocket expenses that you are liable for before the insurance take affect and pay the rest of the expenses. The minimum is $50 and can go high as $1,250. Depending on your financial situation you can get the minimum which will be higher premium or the maximum amount which will have lower premium, but you are responsible for money out of pocket.
Another option is getting a roadside assistance. This is not needed in most cases, but if you need towing or have flat tire it can come in handy. This too is not required by the law, but since the increase in premiums is minimal it is recommended.
Lowering the price on your Atlanta auto insurance is also an option. Ask your agent about discounts available to you. These can include adding security features to your vehicle, taking driving classes, and avoiding accidents. Choose the features and discounts that are right for you to get a policy customized to your unique situation.
About the Author:
If you need more information about Atlanta Auto Insurance, then please visit Jane Park's site for best and cheapest Auto Insurance Atlanta available in your area.