

A Tax Debt Offer In Compromise New York Taxpayers Apply For Could Be A Good Solution For You

By Kevin Robinson

Most people want to have as little as possible to do with the Internal Revenue Service. When taxpayers owe money they can not pay they often bury their heads in the sand. Some file extensions without the payment. Others ignore the notices in their mailboxes. None of this is going to work. Eventually you will have to apply for a tax debt offer in compromise New York experts say may work, or possibly face charges and seizure of your assets.

Simply stated, this program allows you to settle your bill with the IRS for less than you owe, if you qualify. You will have to make the agreed upon payments, but after that you are free and clear. This is not a solution for everybody. The qualifications are stringent. The government only accepts about forty percent of the applications it receives.

There are basically two repayment options. If you have the money, or can find a way to borrow it, you might choose the lump sum payment. This plan has the taxpayer repaying the total agreed upon amount within five months of the date of IRS approval. Twenty percent of the payment is required when the application is submitted. You will not get this money returned if your application is denied.

The periodic payment is the second option. You have longer to repay the debt than with the lump sum plan. You can stretch this repayment plan to two years. You must make the initial payment along with the application. As with the lump sum plan, this initial payment does not mean your application will be accepted, and will not be returned to you if you are denied.

In order to make any kind of intelligent decision, you must know what it takes to be considered for this program. The government examines a number of things before it comes to a conclusion. The first consideration is that the IRS accepts the fact that you will not be able to pay what you owe within the allotted time frame because you don't have the money or assets it takes.

The IRS will also consider whether repaying your back taxes will constitute an economic hardship. You will probably find that your idea of economic hardship and IRS's idea are not anywhere near the same thing. Rarely, people convince the government that they may not owe the money in question, or don't owe what the IRS thinks they do.

The Internal Revenue Services uses formulas to determine what they will require you to repay. You can find this information online and come pretty close to what the IRS is going to require. You will be allowed exemptions and deductions. You need to minimize your assets and maximize your expenditures as much as possible without lying about them.

Owing the Internal Revenue Service money is not a good feeling. If you have the money, you should send it immediately. If you don't, applying for a settlement is the next best thing.

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