

We Talk About Senior Real Estate Agents

By Donna Thompson

Well, lookie here, we have another convoluted topic to tear apart. This gives us an opportunity to tell you what relates to real estate people and what they do. Sort of. Be on a look our if we are actually true to our word on this. We get easily distracted and we might end up dealing with something else entirely. As it was, we once talked about a typical fanfiction of Reborn while writing about Senior Real Estate Agent Albuquerque.

Let us come up with a different premises for our story shall we? Here is what is going to happen. We give you some sort of a connection to our topic with a show we really like. We stretch our content until we reach nine paragraphs with over five hundred words and then see if we meet the guidelines. Sounds good, yeah?

The first one is Pride but he goes by the human name Selim Bradley. He is the oldest of his siblings and has the immortal body of a small kid. He looks completely harmless, but guess what? Big brother Selim is actually the strongest and technically their second in command, after Father. His powers consist of shadow control.

Izumi Curtis, the trainer of these two. She keep claiming that she was just a regular old housewife, but she is actually a very badass woman with the alchemic brain. She is considered to be a very scary woman, which is not a stretch, with her talents for fighting and alchemy. He is a sort of surrogate mother to the Elrics.

Jason Grace is from the Roman side of this. His father is Jupiter, the other version of Zeus. This is where it can get weird because his sister was born from the same parents, except it was when Jupiter was still Zeus. Take it in any way you want, but at least they are full bloodied siblings, unlike their other demigod friends.

Envy, was for the lack of a better word, a douchebag. Pardon out language. Malicious as he was a cruel killer, Envy took on a very hateful persona all because he was actually jealous of humans. He claims that humans are so pathetic and does not hesitate to torture one and then kill them, but in the end, his drive was actually because of jealousy.

Sloth was just a big, muscly monster with super strength. Kind of stupid, to be honest, but still does as his told, no matter his complains of it all being such a drag. We hear you, buddy. It would have been better to just stay in central, rather than make a freaking hole around the country underground.

Frank Zhang, a sweet boy who had a talent for archery. Unfortunately, he is not actually the kid of Apollo because his father is actually Mars, the Roman version of Are, the god of war. This goes to show that kids do not really represent their fathers and their mothers.

The youngest is actually Wrath, using the body of an aging human they named King Bradley. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Bradley is the Fuhrer of the country and is one of the greatest swordsmen alive. His speed rivals that of a bullet train, for Gods sake. And even though he is the youngest in actuality, he plays as the father of pride in public for appearances.

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