

How To Stop Foreclosure WA

By Elizabeth Thomas

Failing to pay your mortgage for several months is recipe for disaster in your life. For starters, your credit score will be affected since the missed payments will be reported. Secondly, the bank will start foreclosing on the property after giving you some warnings. You will be staring at a real risk of losing your home. The good news is that foreclosure proceedings can be stopped in a number of ways. Read on to learn how to stop foreclosure WA.

When borrowing money or taking out a mortgage, it is always recommended you put your finances in order. Your mortgage payment should be the first item on your budget followed by groceries and other expenses. Whenever you get some extra cash, such as an annual bonus or tax refund, you should commit those funds towards reducing your mortgage balance. This will mean that having one or two bad months will not affect you in any way.

Refinancing your mortgage is the best way to avoid defaulting on your mortgage. If the monthly payments have become unaffordable, you can refinance to increase the repayment period and reduce the monthly payments. The reduced payments will improve your chances of servicing the mortgage payments without default, thereby helping you to avoid repossession of your property.

If you lose your job or your financial commitments increase and make it impossible for you to stay current on your payments, you can sell the house. By selling your home early before you default, you can get back all your equity. After selling the house, you can settle your mortgage balance and avoid repossession. You can then use your equity to get a smaller house or rent one.

After getting the notice of default, your only remaining option may be to go for a short sale with the permission of your lender. In a short sale, you can only sell the house at a loss in that the mortgage balance must be higher than the selling price. This means that you will lose your equity. This is an inconvenient option, but it will ensure that your home is not foreclosed.

While bankruptcy is not always a good idea, it can help you with your bad debts in addition to the mortgage. You can file a chapter 7 or a chapter 13 and convince the trustee that you can make up for the missed payments and continue servicing the mortgage. Bankruptcy simply buys you time to get your affairs in order.

Bankruptcy laws prohibit lenders from going after the borrower once they have been declared bankrupt, so you can continue to live in the house as you work out a payment plan to offset your balance. In case of a chapter 7, the property will be sold and the proceeds used to settle your debts. However, if you want to keep your home, you should consider filing a chapter 13.

Be sure to consult a bankruptcy attorney before making a decision. You can also talk to a real estate lawyer. Financial advisers can also help you out.

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