Once you have made the decision to sell a portion or all of your property, the next step is deciding who will help you with the sale. A few will try to sell on their own and are sometimes successful. Most individuals, and companies as well, prefer to turn real estate sales over to the people who do that sort of thing for a living. At this point, you will probably be deciding whether to choose a Realtor or, if you are in the Dakotas for instance, opting for a North Dakota land auctions company.
There is nothing new about auctions. People have been buying and selling using this method for hundreds of years. You may already have attended an auction or two and purchased something for yourself. If so, you will already have some idea of how they work. Just make certain that whichever company you hire has a sterling reputation.
There are many differences between traditional private sales and public auction that you will want to consider. One of the biggest differences is the turnaround time. Realtors usually expect you to sign an exclusive listing agreement tying up your property for at least six month if they do not sell before then. An auction company typically needs sixty to ninety days to prepare your land and advertise before the sale occurs.
While real estate agencies will offer your property as one tract of land, an auctioneer often advises you to offer to sell large acreages divided into smaller tracts. This often yields a higher return for the seller. As the owner, you will be as involved as you want to be in the process of advertising and marketing your prime investment.
Auctioneers use aggressive marketing techniques in order to reach the most potential bidders. They typically incorporate internet, signs, mass mailings, and sometimes television and radio in their efforts to get the word out. Many auction companies have the capability to offer online bidding to the public. They may recommend this to you or discuss holding the sale on the property. Many times a combination of both strategies is employed very successfully.
It is not unusual for a ten percent buyer's premium to be added to the high bid price in order to obtain the selling price. This is a tool that is very familiar to seasoned auction goers and does not deter them from bidding. By utilizing this technique, you avoid paying any commissions from your proceeds. The buyer's premium goes to the auctioneers at closing to pay their fee. Of course everything is negotiable, and whatever you agree to and put in the listing agreement will be the binding terms of the sale.
An auction is either absolute or sold with a minimum, or reserve, price. If you decide to sell your land absolutely, you are guaranteeing that you will sell regardless of the high bid. If you choose to offer your acreage with reserve, then you have can either agree to sell or not.
The auction method allows you to find out exactly what your property is worth to the buying public on a given day if you live in Cando, ND or anywhere else. There is no prolonged listing period, and you are not usually responsible for paying any commissions out of your proceeds. It is a quick and easy way to sell property for a fair price.
There is nothing new about auctions. People have been buying and selling using this method for hundreds of years. You may already have attended an auction or two and purchased something for yourself. If so, you will already have some idea of how they work. Just make certain that whichever company you hire has a sterling reputation.
There are many differences between traditional private sales and public auction that you will want to consider. One of the biggest differences is the turnaround time. Realtors usually expect you to sign an exclusive listing agreement tying up your property for at least six month if they do not sell before then. An auction company typically needs sixty to ninety days to prepare your land and advertise before the sale occurs.
While real estate agencies will offer your property as one tract of land, an auctioneer often advises you to offer to sell large acreages divided into smaller tracts. This often yields a higher return for the seller. As the owner, you will be as involved as you want to be in the process of advertising and marketing your prime investment.
Auctioneers use aggressive marketing techniques in order to reach the most potential bidders. They typically incorporate internet, signs, mass mailings, and sometimes television and radio in their efforts to get the word out. Many auction companies have the capability to offer online bidding to the public. They may recommend this to you or discuss holding the sale on the property. Many times a combination of both strategies is employed very successfully.
It is not unusual for a ten percent buyer's premium to be added to the high bid price in order to obtain the selling price. This is a tool that is very familiar to seasoned auction goers and does not deter them from bidding. By utilizing this technique, you avoid paying any commissions from your proceeds. The buyer's premium goes to the auctioneers at closing to pay their fee. Of course everything is negotiable, and whatever you agree to and put in the listing agreement will be the binding terms of the sale.
An auction is either absolute or sold with a minimum, or reserve, price. If you decide to sell your land absolutely, you are guaranteeing that you will sell regardless of the high bid. If you choose to offer your acreage with reserve, then you have can either agree to sell or not.
The auction method allows you to find out exactly what your property is worth to the buying public on a given day if you live in Cando, ND or anywhere else. There is no prolonged listing period, and you are not usually responsible for paying any commissions out of your proceeds. It is a quick and easy way to sell property for a fair price.
About the Author:
When you are looking for the facts about a North Dakota land auctions, pay a visit to our web pages online here today. Additional details are available at http://www.candorealestate.net now.