

Get The Best Returns Out Of Oil And Gas Investments

By Olive Pate

An investment is a venture that investors undertake and expect returns in the near future. Some prefer long term ventures while others prefer short term ventures. Long term ventures are undertaken by people who want returns in the long run, they are more interested in growth and expansion of their businesses than making quick returns on their initial money. For short term ventures, investors here are not willing to undertake projects that will last for more than a year without making any returns on their initial outlay. They concentrate on projects which will give them return on their money within the shortest time possible. Oil and gas investments can serve both the long term and short term investor.

Currently among the riches people in the world accumulated their wealth from energy related projects. These projects can be classified into long term projects or short term projects. Most businesses have long term goals and short term goals too.

The other technique is internal rate of return, it evaluates how much return an investor will get from a certain project, and the choosing criteria is an investor chooses a project with high internal rate of return. If someone wants to take up the gas and oil venture they should first study the market wisely and identify markets trends so that they can make wise decisions on when to invest.

Those who want to directly be involved in drilling of gas and oil it is recommendable since this is a lucrative venture but they ought to be cautious. This is because such projects require heavy cash outlays and one cannot afford to drill a well then realize later it has no enough reserves.

This means their prices keeps on fluctuating with time, they are never constant. Even if one strikes clean natural gas or oil they will have to sell them at prevailing market prices. This is a challenge because an investor may have done their evaluation on the project viability with certain prices without factoring out any price changes.

Direct participation may be lucrative due to heavy capital required. They should take caution not to drill in areas not tested and approved to have oil reserves else they risk undertaking a venture which will result to huge losses. There are risks involved in this venture, and one of them includes mechanical risk. The risks here range from human injuries as the drilling process involves a lot of mechanization to delays due to mechanical failures.

This venture requires high technical analysis, economical, mechanical, geological and engineered analysis making it very expensive for common investors. There are few risk involved in this business and the first on is risk from people. These are the people who are handling the project such as the well operator, market brokers and others who may be involved. Their professional ability will greatly be required otherwise you may get advice from incompetent people and end up regretting later.

In limited partnership, gas or oil firms will offer their partnership units to the public at a fee and use the proceeds to drill wells and lease properties. In return they get to manage these projects. The sponsor firm takes fifteen to sixteen percentage of investment costs and eventually also get their share of profit in the same percentage. This is like a gamble and the risk one. They are highly speculative and very illiquid ventures.

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