

You May Be Able To Save Dollars Using These Tax Preparation Tips Provided By Los Angeles Accountant

By Maria Elena Zerna

There are horror stories of people who hired an incompetent tax preparer. It is crucial to find one who is a qualified individual with a degree. To locate the best one who fits your needs ask for referrals from friends and relatives who have used a Los Angeles Accountant they consider good at their profession.

If you take advantage of one tip regarding tax preparation it should be to hire a professional rather then doing them yourself. A professional makes certain all details are accurate and all eligible deductions are taken. You want to pay the minimum amount of money, as long as you are doing it legally.

If you have a situation that is at all problematic, find a preparer with experience in that type of situation. For example, when you find yourself being audited, you need someone with auditing experience. Final responsibility for the accuracy of your return is yours and not the preparer you hired.

If you are told your refund will be unrealistically high, you should be a little suspicious. Multiple deductions for the same expense are not acceptable. You will be well represented by an enrolled agent or a certified public accountant because of their education and experience.

These are two different levels of experience. An enrolled agent undergoes training, testing and a background check. He or she may focus on one area of tax preparation, small business for example.

The series of tests taken by the certified public accountant are as stringent as the bar exam taken by attorneys. After passing, the CPA can be licensed by the state of California. There are various areas of accounting and not all are in tax preparation.

Tax laws change, sometimes every year. The qualified tax-preparer will stay informed about all changes. You are encouraged to question anyone you are thinking of hiring. Either the CPA or the enrolled agent should be proud to display his or her credentials. In addition, referrals are a good indication of satisfactory performance.

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