

You Can Understand Whistle-Blower Rights With A Los Angeles Attorney

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

If you have identified unethical practices at your job, you may be scared to speak up. This is not uncommon given that many workers are afraid of losing their jobs. Consulting with employment law attorneys in Los Angeles County will help you to learn more about the rights that whistle-blowers have.

Those who report these types of activities can rely on various protections at the state and federal level. For example, if a person's livelihood is interfered with for having made these reports, imprisonment or fines could be the consequences that the employer will have to face. This means that you cannot lawfully lose your job by having acted as a whistle-blower after having identified illegal activities at work and reporting them.

It is additionally important to note that whistle-blowers could be able to obtain compensation for their distress and for all punitive damaged sustained. You will have to discuss this possibility with your lawyer. Your case can be reviewed by this professional to know whether or not compensation is a feasible pursuit.

To receive state and federal protection, whistle-blowers must take a number of vital steps. Among these is reporting the activity in question to the proper authorities. You cannot disburse this information in other ways as this will not be sufficient for obtaining legal protection.

This, however, is not something that you need to do on your own. Employment lawyers can assist you in these efforts. They can offer the moral support an guidance that you might need when attempting to make this decision.

It is rarely easy to choose to speak out about illegal activities on the part of an employer. When people know that they are protected by the law, however, it can become a lot easier to make decisions that are ethically sound. This could help to improve the state of the company and the work environment all around.

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