

Things You Need To Know Whiles Setting A Triumphant Art Auction Fundraiser

By Minnie Whitley

There are a number of ways through which fund can be raised so as to meet a specific objective. Planning an art auction fundraiser is a suitable manner for raising funds. In such an auction the artist donate their pieces of artwork which are then presented to the bidders at various bid prices. This way of raising fund has been noted to be very productive and it also accrues a lot of benefits with it. The artworks donors benefit from directly publicity that is accorded to them. The buyers get quality pieces of art work and finally the ultimate objective of the fundraiser is met.

It takes the efforts of the bidders, artists and the organizing committee to benefit effectively from such an auction. The process mostly follows these steps; setting of a venue, acquiring of artwork pieces, production of an item list, production of the buyers list, printing of the biding sheets and finally setting a date for auction.

While organizing an event then one has to put some things into consideration. These issues are regarded as the principles of attaining a successful fundraiser. They involve; perfect information to the artist on the benefits they will get from presenting their arts. Secondly well published guidelines for the donation process should be established on top of this the organizers should produce a catalogue that will be used to govern the selling process. This book entails information of the artists and the artwork they are presenting.

Another key element to be followed is, getting a suitable auction house which is followed by setting a great seating arrangement which makes sure that the top preferred bidders get the best seats. The management is also expected to hire qualified auctioneers with adequate experience of doing fundraising auctions.

The mode through which these pieces of crafts are arranged for presentation should aim at fitting these artworks to the surrounding this should be done so that the bidders can make high bids, it is clearly known that artworks bids are determined but how best they suit a situation. On the same it is crucial to have adequate information about the artists as well as their artworks. This information ought to be readily dispatched to the bidders at need, this helps to boost the morale of buyers and hence they can make higher bids.

However there are some things that should be avoided while setting an auction. Initially, artists are warned against overstating the worth of their artworks; they are expected to provide the normal prices in which they sale their artworks. Secondly the organizer is warned against hiring non eloquent auctioneers who in turn lack a sense of humor. Auctioneers are expected to use short statements but attractive ones.

Disposing by artists is not advisable; artists are expected to present their best pieces of artwork. This should be done because some of the knowledgeable bidders can easily tell when the artist is contented which their presentations or not, consequently this could lead to low bids.

In short fundraisers are excellent ways for acquiring money. They are very beneficial to the involved parties and they should be guided by some principles which ensure that everyone enjoys a great time and its goals are realized.

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