Art auctions are a good way for people to raise money and for bidders to get quality art at reasonable prices. The following are some pointers that assist people when holding fundraising art auctions for the event to be successful regardless of whether they are buying, selling or donating. There are different tips for the bidders and the artists.
In terms of careers, the best fundraisers for donations are the ones that appeal to the members of graphic art communities. This is because it is a good way to get artists recognized by dozens or even thousands of individuals who would be willing to collect or support their art. The artists are usually advised to make donations only if they understand well the reason for the event and if they know the organization that has organized the event. They should not donate so that they can get benefits related to their career. They ought to also try donating to art events and not those auctions with mixed merchandise.
If the artists are not familiar with the art organization that has organized the fundraiser, they ought to first do some research on them. Again they ought to find out if they have organized similar events before and also how successful they have been. They can also find out information about artists who have donated to an organization in past fundraisers.
The artists should have the organizing body provide them with websites and catalogs where they can get information about them including information about their past events very easily. They can also find out what types of art they are interested in for the event. The artists should always donate pieces that are up to date rather that the bad ones they want to get rid of because this will reflect on their generosity and also really helps the reason why the event is organized.
Bidders should also consider some pointers when they grace with their presence fundraiser art auctions. They should take the event as an opportunity to meet talented new artists therefore they must make an effort to look at all of the pieces. They should be provided with a list of all artists in attendance and their art so that they can bid sensibly.
They must always examine properly the art they want to purchase because many artists donate the low quality pieces that they would like to throw away. By identifying what they want before purchasing, they are able to avoid loss of money. It would be very sad if an individual buys something they cannot stand to see in the morning.
Generosity should be exercised as the event is for a support organization anyway. It is not bad for them to spend a few extra dollars if the money is to be used for a good course. The event should be used as an opportunity to learn more things about art and artists.
There are also tips for the organization that organizes these kinds of events. One thing they ought to consider is the manner in which the art will be displayed so that they are visible to every guest, the size of the venue is also important and also they ought to make sure that all information that may be needed by the artists and the bidders can be accessed easily.
In terms of careers, the best fundraisers for donations are the ones that appeal to the members of graphic art communities. This is because it is a good way to get artists recognized by dozens or even thousands of individuals who would be willing to collect or support their art. The artists are usually advised to make donations only if they understand well the reason for the event and if they know the organization that has organized the event. They should not donate so that they can get benefits related to their career. They ought to also try donating to art events and not those auctions with mixed merchandise.
If the artists are not familiar with the art organization that has organized the fundraiser, they ought to first do some research on them. Again they ought to find out if they have organized similar events before and also how successful they have been. They can also find out information about artists who have donated to an organization in past fundraisers.
The artists should have the organizing body provide them with websites and catalogs where they can get information about them including information about their past events very easily. They can also find out what types of art they are interested in for the event. The artists should always donate pieces that are up to date rather that the bad ones they want to get rid of because this will reflect on their generosity and also really helps the reason why the event is organized.
Bidders should also consider some pointers when they grace with their presence fundraiser art auctions. They should take the event as an opportunity to meet talented new artists therefore they must make an effort to look at all of the pieces. They should be provided with a list of all artists in attendance and their art so that they can bid sensibly.
They must always examine properly the art they want to purchase because many artists donate the low quality pieces that they would like to throw away. By identifying what they want before purchasing, they are able to avoid loss of money. It would be very sad if an individual buys something they cannot stand to see in the morning.
Generosity should be exercised as the event is for a support organization anyway. It is not bad for them to spend a few extra dollars if the money is to be used for a good course. The event should be used as an opportunity to learn more things about art and artists.
There are also tips for the organization that organizes these kinds of events. One thing they ought to consider is the manner in which the art will be displayed so that they are visible to every guest, the size of the venue is also important and also they ought to make sure that all information that may be needed by the artists and the bidders can be accessed easily.
About the Author:
We have helped churches, schools, hospitals and many other organizations raise millions of dollars by conducting fundraising art auctions. If you need our help today, simply explore our website and see our latest artworks here at