If you're content just skimming the headlines and leaving it at that, you might conclude that happy economic days are here again in the United States - or at least on their way.
"Financial growth more powerful than expected." "Feds scale back bond acquisitions." "Stock market basics continue to be sturdy." And so on, and so forth. The powers that be are influencing compliant news media to persuade Americans to think that the economy and their own personal finances are ultimately rising in a new age of prosperity for a nation that hasn't known it for five years.
But don't be fooled. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke just announced this week that he'll begin winding down the bond-buying program known as "Quantitative Easing" that has been making the dollar even more worthless, more quickly. And financial pundits will say that's a sign of renewed economic hope in the United States.
Yet whatever minor upticks the U.S. economy is only recently experiencing amount only to so much froth on top of an ocean of woes. The current federal debt and many trillions of dollars of future obligations, weak resolve by businesses, personal joblessness and anxiety, and the fears of corporate executives and company owners sitting on their cash all still serve as profound factors that lurk just beneath the surface of lies and feigned optimism.
And that isn't even considering Obamacare and the intensifying drag that will place on the economy, and on the spirits of the American people, as they fully realize what we and many other critics have been telling them all along: that it's a way to rob them of their money, health and freedom all at the same time.
In this environment, it's of some surprise to us that precious-metals prices remain depressed. Certainly there are many savvy investors who can figure out that grasping any sort of economic optimism right now is like whistling through the graveyard. America remains just one or two steps away from financial catastrophe that will make 2008 look like a pre-game warmup. And there will be nothing that any politician, king or magnate can do to stop it once it starts.
That's why now is actually a great time to move decisively and place your investment nest egg in God's Money, gold and silver. It's only a matter of time, and not much at that, before the true fundamentals of the creaky global economy once again begin to give way, eventually permanently.
"Financial growth more powerful than expected." "Feds scale back bond acquisitions." "Stock market basics continue to be sturdy." And so on, and so forth. The powers that be are influencing compliant news media to persuade Americans to think that the economy and their own personal finances are ultimately rising in a new age of prosperity for a nation that hasn't known it for five years.
But don't be fooled. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke just announced this week that he'll begin winding down the bond-buying program known as "Quantitative Easing" that has been making the dollar even more worthless, more quickly. And financial pundits will say that's a sign of renewed economic hope in the United States.
Yet whatever minor upticks the U.S. economy is only recently experiencing amount only to so much froth on top of an ocean of woes. The current federal debt and many trillions of dollars of future obligations, weak resolve by businesses, personal joblessness and anxiety, and the fears of corporate executives and company owners sitting on their cash all still serve as profound factors that lurk just beneath the surface of lies and feigned optimism.
And that isn't even considering Obamacare and the intensifying drag that will place on the economy, and on the spirits of the American people, as they fully realize what we and many other critics have been telling them all along: that it's a way to rob them of their money, health and freedom all at the same time.
In this environment, it's of some surprise to us that precious-metals prices remain depressed. Certainly there are many savvy investors who can figure out that grasping any sort of economic optimism right now is like whistling through the graveyard. America remains just one or two steps away from financial catastrophe that will make 2008 look like a pre-game warmup. And there will be nothing that any politician, king or magnate can do to stop it once it starts.
That's why now is actually a great time to move decisively and place your investment nest egg in God's Money, gold and silver. It's only a matter of time, and not much at that, before the true fundamentals of the creaky global economy once again begin to give way, eventually permanently.
About the Author:
Want to find out more about precious metal investing, then visit Anne Trimble's site on how to buy gold and silver.