

A Little Information Goes A Long Way When You Are Managing A Well-known Insurance Quote Website

By Sally Mop

You want to run the best insurance quote website you possibly can. To do that you need all the help you can get. Here are some suggestions that will help you in operating a successful insurance quote website.

GIF animations are slow to load so get rid of them. If you want to use them, put them on dedicated pages with links that clearly designate what they are. When visitors click on those links, at least they will be expecting to wait a few seconds for the animation to load.

Put your most pertinent information front and center on the home page. There should be no confusion as to what your site is, or what you offer. Present your main focus prominently so that visitors get the message right from the start.

If you are using images of people on your insurance quote website, make sure that they appear to be approachable and friendly. In addition, if possible make the images full body. Add more value and meaning to the images by adding a caption. Make sure that the images shouldn't be decorated or appear to be advertisements.

Try to keep the text on your front page to a minimum. Short descriptions of various site features are best to accompany images. Encourage visitors to start clicking on links and looking around.

Experiment with YouTube, Pinterest and Google Plus. Get your name out there as much as possible. Created a dedicated YouTube site with relevant videos, whether they be your own or customer submitted videos.

Learn from other people's mistake. Trying to beat the competition is not just enough but trying to learn from the mistakes they make and staying away from it.

When designing an insurance quote website, never put your needs in front of the needs of your customer. Even if you find it appealing to showcase your company info upfront, users likely don't care. They will want to find the answer to their question or problem, so give it to them right away.

Successful insurance quote websites would always reflect the brand of the organization. Make sure that the theme and color scheme of your site has elements of your brand, and this theme should go consistently over the entire insurance quote website. In addition, your clients should experience the same theme across your letterheads, emails, social profiles and invoices.

Use the broad match keyword option in Google's keyword tool to offer synonyms. It gives you more options incase a keyword is too high in competition or there is not enough search volume.

When thinking about things like navigation bars, it is important that all the right info is on them. If there is too much, or too little, it can have a detrimental effect on the functionality of your site and customers are very unlikely not to return to the site and a lot of business could be lost over something so simple.

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