

Everyone Else Suffers Due to Collecting Child Support Debt

By Rob Sutter

I respect families with divorced parents who are able to help support their children in their own ways. Child support is solidified in order for neither the mother nor the father to ignore the growth of their offspring. However, there are those who are best described as deadbeats, opting to ignore those who they raised as opposed to doing the lawful thing. When it comes to collecting child support debt, it seems like taxpayers have received a great brunt of the assault.

As reported on CNN Money, over $100 billion is owed in child support money. This number is absolutely staggering but what's even more staggering is the idea that if children have to go on to uses public assistance, payments had to be made to the government in the form of reimbursement. As a result, roughly $53 billion is owed by the government, which negatively impacts taxpayers. After all, that money has to come from somewhere and we suffer financially because of it.

Doesn't this seem like an easy problem to overcome? After all, deadbeats won't possibly pay up until they are confronted, right? One could only wish that it were so simply because we all can't be heroes who get away with our actions despite our good hearts. Debt collecting authorities, Rapid Recovery included, know that they are tasked with procuring debts but with the safety of debtors in mind. It'd be wrong for a collector to hesitate with collecting child support debt but the problem seems to rise in how to go about it.

It should be easy enough to come up to debtors respectfully. Collectors are aware of what their guidelines are in terms of procuring debts and each one revolves around the respect that a debtor should pick up on. A good collector would be aware of the appropriate times to call, how to address a debtor through communication, and so forth. However, sometimes these methods won't go over well and as good as this industry can be most of the time, the massive child support debt that has amassed worldwide sadly can't go ignored.

I believe that parents who are in times of trouble could stand to use some financial aid. Divorces are troubling for families because now one entire form of income is cut from the equation. Parents can still do their part but those who insist on being utter deadbeats deserve no respect from anyone. People who pay taxes on a constant basis also feel the brunt of such neglect and these very people do not have to suffer because of the selfish actions of others.

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